Thursday, October 4, 2012

Calm before the storm?

Nothing much to report on the Crohns front right now.  Just a couple quickies:

  • 2.5 more weeks of Prednisone and I'm done!  Yay, yay, yay!  I've (thankfully) stopped eating everything in sight.  There are only 2 remaining side effects: bloat and hair.  I'm retaining water like no one's business.  My fingers got so fat I stopped wearing my rings.  My face is still a little puffy.  And the 8lbs I worked so hard to lose are back.  Some of that is water, some is fat, from me stuffing my face.
  • As of last week, my ALT was almost back to normal.  The range high is 36, and I was at 42.  I did another blood draw today, so hopefully it'll go down more.
  • And, the best news of all, I got my Adderall back!  So now I'm not tired all the time.  Yay!

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