Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tiny update

I finished the Prednisone. Yay.  But I'm still having little flare ups, moderate pain.  But I'm getting the "crohns bumps" some weird skin ulcers that I had the first time around.

So my GI is having me switch to Humira once a week, instead of every other week.  I'm not too thrilled, but it could be worst.

Plus I love Kaiser.  A month's worth of Humira (4 syringes) costs me $35.  The regular price (without insurance, I guess) is $3660 for the same amount.  Yikes.  Also, the Humira is cheaper than Asacol was (at $55 a month).

For some reason, Kaiser switched from the Humira pens to the syringes.  It's not much different, but it's a little more difficult.  The pens are one and done.  The syringes have a few steps.  And they make me shakier.  I'm not great with needles.

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