Thursday, January 24, 2013

Using Humira (in pictures)

My box of 4 Humira syringes (One month's worth).

One pre-packaged syringe.  

My set up.  I always close myself in the bathroom, to keep the cats and dogs from messing me up.  I lay everything out on the toilet lid (sometimes I bring a snack too).  This is the syringe and an alcohol wipe.

Me getting ready.  (Gotta psych myself up)
You have to get the little bit of air out of the top.  This one is prepped.

Clean the area, then stab away.  (I'm not quite this fat, but I sit slumped so I have a good place to stab into). (At this point you're suppose to pull the plunger back to make sure you didn't hit blood, but I always skip this part).

The after; hard to see.  A red dot, and some Humira leaking out.

A used sharp.

My make-shift sharps container.  (Those aren't all mine, the little white ones are from my dad's Forteo)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

All is well

I've actually been feeling good for a while.  I was really skeptical that Humira was going to work.  Especially since nothing else did.  But once a week Humira is working great.  I have no symptoms and no side effects.

This is what the syringe looks like, but it's not my picture.

My dad (after mucking with Pentasa dosages and ending up in the hospital) has been taking Humira twice a month, and having very good results too.  He's having a couple minor side effects, but is happy with the results.

I'm not looking forward to buying my first dose of the year, since my drug deductible has reset, so it'll cost $250-300 for the first dose, but then $35 a month after that.  I'm pretty pleased to have such a low drug deductible.

Actually I'm pleased with my insurance in general.  I often thank God for my insurance.  It costs almost $300 a month through my employer (I work for a small company), but it's very worth it.  Especially since I never know when I'll need specific care.

Oh, and other good news.  My blood work is completely normal.  Every test was well within range!

And the better news, if I can stay well for a few more months, I'll have the all clear to start trying to get pregnant!