Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quick update

I've been taken off most of my meds.

My ALT levels (which should max out at 36) are at 278.  Something in my liver isn't happy.

I'm down to Humira, Celexa and Prednisone.  No more Asacol, 6MP, Adderall or Pepcid.

I'm concerned that a major flare up is just down the road.  But I'm more concerned about dying from a non-functioning liver.

I just had a blood draw on Wednesday.  I have to go back and do another one tomorrow at 6.15am.  Then we go from there.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Prednisone, Part 2.

I've been on the terrible drug for about a week now.  And, it actually hasn't been too bad.

My mood has been a little extreme, but nothing compared to last time.  It may be due to the fact that I'm on Celexa already, and it's keeping me more level.

The hunger hasn't been bad at all.  I'm a little more hungry, but not starving all the time.

Definitely having water retention.  And some hair growth, but nothing I can't deal with for another 7 weeks.  But my tummy is only getting slightly better.